
Our People.

Acting as the CEO across the Millemont platform, Ashley champions sustainability initiatives and looks to systemically integrate best practices across all investments, stakeholder relationships and advisory mandates.

John played a pivotal role in the successful growth of BCLP as global head of the corporate practice between 1996 and 2013. Although John advises across sectors, in his focus on real estate and other alternative assets he is a trusted commercial adviser across the capital stack to owners, operators, managers and innovators. John is the Chairman of the board across the Millemont platform and oversees all investment and advisory activities of the group.

Demeter acts in his capacity as general counsel for Millemont and also provides legal, structural and execution expertise for both the capital partners and advisory businesses.

Prior to that he worked in Deloitte’s Investment Management & Private Equity division and is a qualified Chartered Accountant. As Associate Director at Millemont, Guy is responsible for sourcing and assessing opportunities for our capital partners and advisory businesses, ensuring ESG integration in our underwriting processes and overseeing and mentoring our junior talent pool.

Prior to joining Millemont, Miguel pursued and successfully completed his MBA at HEC Paris. As Senior Analyst at Millemont, Miguel is involved with all investment opportunities, market research, transaction execution and all aspects of asset management and repositioning strategies with a focus on sustainability and reducing embodied carbon throughout the lifecycle of our projects.